GIS Model
Applying existing information from watershed assessments, completed stream surveys, and Intrinsic Potential spatial datasets, high value
restoration priorities are identified. Figure 10 is a schematic of the approach used for screening stream reaches in the Lower Columbia River watersheds. The left side of figure is a summary information for informing restoration project opportunities. GIS rules were
developed to select attributes from stream survey geodatabase. These rules query the following attributes from available geodatabases:
Need for Large Woody Debris
Side Channel Development Potential
Riparian Need
Intrinsic Potential (>=2 or more species)
Chum Salmon Potential
Metrics were then generated to summarize restoration area characteristics that includes LWD potential using ODFW stream habitat
benchmarks of 3 “key” pieces (>60cm diameter >10m long) of LWD/100 meters. These areas are summarized by reach where project sponsors can begin project development process for social feasibility with landowners and site level constraints to implementation (i.e. access logistics, flood risk).
data summary
Listed below is a summary of the data inputs that informed the reach priorities. It is important to note that streams not listed doesn’t necessarily translate into lower priority areas. Stream on the priority list were only candidates because stream survey data was available. As new information becomes available these priorities can be modified.