clatskanie floodplain

Efforts continue to bolster wetland habitat function through increased plant diversity for large scale floodplain reconnection project.

Project elements for floodplain reconnection and improved habitat complexity.

Project elements for floodplain reconnection and improved habitat complexity.

The battle for native plant diversity continues…

The battle for native plant diversity continues…


lamprey barrier assessment

Recently the Watershed Council was awarded a proposal to assess barriers to Pacific Lamprey migration needs for the broader Lower Columbia Region.. Here a summary of the project approach and goals.

Below is a summary of the barriers identified within the Lamprey’s historical distribution, these will continue to be prioritized for potential ecological lift and ground-truthed with local sponsors.

pacific lamprey presence in Lower columbia watersheds


Restored side channel has created new opportunities for not only endangered salmon, but important lamprey species. This is a juvenile lamprey caught by ODFW on site. They have very specific habitat requirements include particular substrate structure and temperature needs. LCRWC will continue to collaborate on monitoring important for cold water species and will track temperature and water levels as the site evolves from restoration actions.

conyers creek Confluence (ongoing)

Surveys continue to scope existing condition and restoration potential of unique confluence area with Clatskanie Floodplain in collaboration with City of Clatskanie and area landowners.


tide creek planting project (ongoing)

Planting continues to improve wetland plant diversity and function in partnership with Tide Creek Aggregate LLC.


tide creek project.JPG
page creek.jpg

 page creek Fish passage and complexing (ongoing)

 kloppman large wood placement

louisiana swamp

 Monitoring continues to track vegetation changes and relevance to informing future estuary habitat project development.

Site condition before project.

Site condition before project.

Louisiana Swamp condition (new channels and vegetation condition)

Louisiana Swamp condition (new channels and vegetation condition)

 batwater station

Estuary habitat continues to evolve from restoration along shoreline of broader Columbia River Estuary.

Conyers Creek Planting, February 2022

HAbitat Enhancement continues…

Planting continues on Conyers Creek with help from Lower Columbia Engineering and landowners. Project elements also include removal of drainage tile to re-establish historical hydrologic patterns and wetland condition.

Drone flight of the planting area

Riparian upstream of planting area