The Watershed Council has embarked on a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) that defines cost-effective restoration projects. This is conducted by taking a landscape approach to evaluating watershed needs and their logical sequence to implementation over the next 5 years. Plan includes an outreach component that provides a range of ideas and innovative methods to engage a broader diversity of groups and interests into watershed health related topics.


SAP determined priority reaches by subarea based on combination of completed stream surveys, spatial datasets, and local knowledge. A GIS model was used to make spatially-explicit inquiries to determine distribution of high value reaches across the Lower Columbia watersheds landscape. Links to each subarea map and summary information are provided below for further vetting and feedback.


Area 1-West Side Tributaries

Area 2-Clatskanie Basin

Area 3-Beaver Creek

Area 4-Deer Island Area

Area 5-Eastside Tributaries

Area 6-Clatskanie Flats-Estuary Zones

Strategic Action Plan Subareas

Strategic Action Plan Subareas

Intrinsic Potential Maps (ODFW)

These maps are the basis for determining stream reach priorities. Developed by NOAA Fisheries and managed by ODFW, they show potential distribution of steelhead and salmon species in the area based on physical stream characteristics and stream flow volumes. Ground truthing these maps with local insight will be useful to adding precision to reach priorities in the SAP. Links to the maps are imbedded in the species below:




The Council has engaged technical representatives from resource agencies to provide feedback on approach and initial drafts. Here are the summary discussion points from the Technical Advisory Meetings to date.

TAC Meeting #1 PPT

TAC Meeting #2 PPT

TAC Meeting #3 PPT